Setting intentions for the New Year


The New Year is a great time for setting intentions on what we would like the next few months to bring us or how we wish ourselves and our life to be. We are co-creators of our lives but if we don’t pay attention to this we can feel as though we have no control. Whatever we do today will influence our tomorrow. Take a few minutes to sit in silence, grounding yourself in a comfortable balanced alignment, whilst following your breath as it rises and falls. Bring your attention to your heart centre and ask yourself what you truly want in your life, whilst listening without judgement to whatever arises. Here are some simple SMART guidelines which will help your intentions to become realities:

S – listen to your soul or inner self;

M – make it meaningful and something that truly matters;

A – aspirational, what you hope to do, be or achieve;

R – reasonable, not black or white, think shades of grey;

T – transformative, change that empowers your authentic self.

The first Sunday in January is Epiphany, which means “an experience of sudden and striking realisation” (from the Greek for manifestation) and the first 6 weeks of the New Year are known as the time of manifestation. Taking time to clarify our intentions for the year ahead is a valuable gift to ourselves. My personal intentions for 2018 are:

to be kinder to myself and practice self-compassion;

to run at least one yoga & mindfulness retreat;

to stop buying anything made of plastic (as much as possible);

to learn about fermented foods;

to continue choosing love over fear and to be the peace I want to see in the world.

Wishing you all peace and joy for 2018. May all beings be healthy, happy and free from suffering. Namaste.

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