How to get here
Free taxi from Najac station 1hr 30 from Toulouse
Many airlines fly to Toulouse including Easyjet and Ryanair.
There is a shuttle bus (navette) from the airport to the train station (Gare SNCF Matabiau) which leaves every 20 mins and takes around half an hour (€8).
There is also a tram (T2) which terminates at Palais de Justice metro station, 4 stops from the train station (metro Marengo – SNCF) but you need to change lines at Jean Jaurès from line B to line A or change from the tram to metro at Arènes (line A).
This is the cheaper option (€2 - same ticket for tram & metro) but takes slightly longer and is less direct - although in rush hour it’s quicker to take the metro than the bus.
Trains from Toulouse to Najac take 1.5 hrs. Tickets cost either €10 or €20 each way depending on time of travel. The last train to Najac leaves Toulouse at 19.09. There are usually 6 trains per day leaving around 07.00; 09.00; 13.00; 17.00; 18.10 & 19.10. (See SNCF website for current timetable.)
Najac is 1.5 hrs from Toulouse, 45 mins from Albi, 1hr from Rodez or Montauban, 6 hrs from Paris.